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VivArt Studio

The idea at the core of VivArt Studio is to bring artists’ works to life in a digital format, upgrading their image for online platforms and setting up a structure that can become an additional source of income. We translate their talent into “products and services” that can be promoted online, that are sustainable and interesting for them and their audience, and that still respect their unique profiles so the work remains exciting for them.

But the scope expanded beyond the focus on artists, and I’ve also been working with non-profits and businesses on developing/improving their brand, increasing their reach through strategic planning, image consulting and digital marketing – from local to global.

Part of my role is to find the tools that work best for each situation and digital platforms make many different combinations possible, without the limitations of geographic locations.

VivArt Studio Services

Digital Optimization Package

Image Consulting
+ Strategic planning

• Social Media set up or review and recommendations
• Brainstorming and marketing coaching
• Custom plan of action detailing brand profile, strategy, tactics, and more!

Website Development or Updating

1 Language or Bilingual (EN/PT)

• Domain + Hosting for 1 year
• Visual concept, personalized website design and text

Additional custom features (e-commerce, agenda, media player, etc.) and content update services are available

Digital Product Launch

Find your Online Audience
+ Launch a Digital Product/Service

• Finding the most suitable tool(s) / platform(s) for your product(s)
• Planning, promotion, content creation and/or optimization for the launch process and much more


Get in touch today to see if we are a good match and to get a quote on services tailored to YOU!